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Spring Cleaning Tips – 10 Things to Tackle This Year

Spring Cleaning Tips – 10 Things to Tackle This Year

After being cooped up inside all winter, it’s a delightful change of pace to finally fling open the windows and let fresh air into our homes. It’s also a great time to clear away the dust and dirt that’s been accumulating all year. While there are many cleaning tasks that have to be tackled more often, here are ten items that, in most cases, only need to be done once a year. So hurry up and tackle this to-do list so you won’t have to worry about it for 364 days!

1) Replace the batteries in your smoke detector.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Don’t wait for your smoke detectors to start beeping to let you know the battery is running low. Pick a date each year to replace all the smoke detector batteries in your home, and keep yourself protected in the event there ever is a fire. Do the same with your carbon monoxide detectors if you have those as well.

2) Deep clean your carpet.

If you have pets or young kids, you may want to do this more often, but most people can get away with an annual carpet cleaning. This includes rugs! Rent a machine or hire a professional to give all your floor coverings a thorough deep cleaning. Spring is the perfect time to tackle this chore because you can open the windows and run fans to speed the drying process.

3) Drain your hot water heater.

Most manufacturers recommend that home owners drain their hot water heaters once a year. This will help flush out minerals and other debris that can accumulate and cause the hot water heater to malfunction. Be sure to refer to the owner’s manual for your particular hot water heater to do the job correctly.

4) Reseal outdoor surfaces.

Time and the elements take their toll on outdoor spaces. Take advantage of the nice weather to inspect surfaces like decks, driveways, and outdoor woodwork. Reseal wood surfaces and repair any cracks to extend the life.

5) Clean the windows.

Head outside and get those windows clean. Dishwashing detergent, a sponge, and a water hose are usually all that’s needed to get the job done. Inside, grab a vacuum and clear dust and dirt out of the window casings as well.

6) Dust ceiling lights and fans.

It’s easy to forget to clean the things that are above eye level, but dust will accumulate up there! Don’t wait till it gets hot and you turn on your ceiling fan to send dust flurries all over the house. You can use an attachment with your vacuum to quickly get the dust off lights and fans in your home.

7) Clear gutters.

Don’t wait for those April showers to hit to realize that your gutters are clogged. Right now they are probably filled with leaves that settled in the fall. Clear them now and you won’t have to worry about your gutters for a while.

8) Really clean out your closets.

Take a good hard look at your closet. Is there anything there that you haven’t worn or used in the last year? Clear out clothes, shoes, and accessories that no longer fit or that you no longer use. Consider donating gently used items so that others can enjoy them. Do the same thing with books and other items you may collect, like hobby supplies. Spring is the perfect time to declutter your home.

9) Clean out your pantry and refrigerator.

You might be surprised what you find in there after a deep cleaning. Toss anything that’s expired, and use this opportunity to rearrange and reorganize both your pantry and your refrigerator. While you’re at it, wipe down all the shelves so everything will be clean and organized, at least for a little while!

10) Reorganize the garage.

Depending on where you live, your garage might be housing snow shovels, sleds, and even Christmas decor right now. Get the fall and winter gear put away, and make space for your lawn mower and other summer supplies.

Use our spring cleaning tips to get your home ready for the spring and summer months. A once a year cleaning can help you feel better about your home every day of the year.

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